The Story

It began on a small farm in Black Diamond, Washington. As a child, my three sisters and I, alongside our parents, worked to farm our land, harvest the crops and keep the soil of the earth in impeccable condition. In need of more soil to till, we moved to a larger farm in Eastern Washington, where the sun was on our side, the crops were more fruitful and land more plentiful.

My earliest memory of skincare, was sitting under our kitchen table where women were gathering for an at home skincare party. I remember my grandmother graciously handing me sample packets of skincare as I sat at her feet. I was about 4. I can still recall the texture and feel of the product and becoming instantly mesmerized by it. Looking back, I realize that my grandmothers gesture was to keep my little hands busy so the adults could have their time, yet, unbeknownst to her, she was inspiring a founder of an organic skincare brand.

In my younger years, I had less than perfect skin. I speak for myself and all sufferers of troubled skin when I say, if the battle of a less than perfect complexion shows on the outside, one will never be able to put into words the severity of the battle on the inside. It was this alone that made me decide, no matter the issue, I wanted to create positive change in the lives of others through the healing of their skin. 

With a yearning desire to follow my dream as a Skincare Therapist, I attended business school, became a licensed esthetician and grew a skincare business in the heart of downtown Spokane. During that time, I began blending skincare mixtures with various organic herbs to be used in treatment for targeted issues. Eventually, I created a small capsule line for retail at the indoor Farmers Market which neighbored my treatment business. This is where the retail side if things began taking sprout. 

After years of exploring the city life, I couldn't help but long for open air, the texture of soil and the warm, loving freedom that cultivates when surrounded by the pale green hills of farmland. With my passion for skin care and the new formulations combined with a strong calling back to farm life, my husband Rob and I bought a small farm and moved the business and family from the city. This is where I found space to let my creativity run wild in becoming a return-to-earth beauty entrepreneur, establishing an authentic, conscience skincare line crafted using quality ingredients, responsibly sourced from organic farms.

In creation of a 'seed to bottle' approach to my skincare haven, we now nurture two full gardens of organic herbs to be incorporated into various products throughout the line along with outsourcing many ingredients to farmers right here in our own farming community who are dedicated, hardworking, inspirational and passionate about the organic plants they provide.

This skincare contains high content organic makings that are superior in performance, effective, good for the customer and good for our Earth. Trisha Watson Organics is paraben free, phthalate free, gluten free and of course cruelty free.