His name was Captan James Cook, a famous explorer who brought us the ever so important herb, Tea Tree, to the attention of the world. After going ashore, his crew made tea out of the shrubby tree. Their later findings reported that the native people of the land, the aborigines, used leaves of this tree as an antiseptic for insect bites, cuts, wounds and much more. Eventually the herb went forgotten until World War II. This era brought new attention and a new love for this wonderful medicinal herb. They also found the antiseptic properties of Tea Tree very profound and used it regularly for insect bites and wound healing. This herb is now known to the world as for its antiseptic and anti fungal properties and though it is widely used for healing acne, it is widely used for cute, warts, athletes foot and cold sores.
When getting your favorite go-to skincare item is for some reason out of reach, Tea Tree is it very easily found in natural food markets and health food stores. For a quick Tea Tree remedy,
-Combine 4 drops of the essential oil with
-4 tables spoons witch hazel (also easily found in stores) or 4 tablespoons of water.
Apply topically to sebaceous inflammations and experience the soothing complex that Mother Nature has to offer.